Here at the Trust, we provide individual care and support to adults with learning and physical disabilities to help them retain and increase their independence whilst integrating into society and their local community. But more than that, we provide people with homes where each tenant can take ownership of their own lives and futures to the best of their ability.

Supported living is a fresh approach giving a person the care and support they need to live as an individual, rather than one of a group of residents such as in nursing homes. Our role is to encourage and support our tenants to live as independently as possible, enabling them to grow in confidence and flourish.

Our accommodation comprises six sites in Sutton and Macclesfield and two in Buxton where over 70 tenants currently live, fully supported by over 200 members of staff.

Supported living is a major part of the transformation of care provision which has taken place since 2000. Mental capacity (the capacity of a person to take decisions for themselves) lies at the heart of this. The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005-2007 is designed to protect and empower individuals who may lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions. Before the MCA, many assumptions were made about people with a learning disability. Frequently, it would be assumed that because a person had a learning disability they did not have the capacity to make their own decisions. The effect of this was to exclude people from making choices in their own lives.

Our tenants have a wide spectrum of ability and disability. Some are able to attend college; to go on work placements in our ‘WorkTaste’ scheme; to engage directly in other day activities and take a full part in their domestic lives. Other tenants may need support with every aspect of their lives, 24 hours a day.

Support Plans

For each new tenant, detailed support plans are developed. They are continuously reviewed. The support plan is person centred and the tenant’s choices, preferences, human rights, dignity and independence are at the centre of this.

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We are sure you will have lots of questions. Here we have tried to answer ones that we frequently get asked about.

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Prospective Tenants

We have a Register of Interest for people who have a strong interest in taking up a supported living tenancy with us. The Register of Interest is maintained and updated by the Family Liaison Officer, who will also chair and convene an ‘allocation team’ to oversee and progress each allocation. This team will usually include…

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Support worker watching as tenant makes her own hot drink

Our Tenants

We provide care and support for people with learning and physical disabilities and autism aged 18+. We know that for many people, this will be the first time they leave home to live independently. This can be a daunting prospect for both them and their families and we recognise this, which is why we have an experienced Family Liaison Officer who works closely with prospective tenants and their families and carers to offer advice about funding, care fees, housing and personal benefits, how to claim them and how they are used to fund accommodation and care.

Picture of a kitchen in a home at the Trust


We offer a range of accommodation giving us choice to cater for people’s individual needs and preferences. This is provided by the Rossendale Trust, housing associations or private landlords.

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Man working on a computer with the help of an activity leader

Tenancy Allocation

We have a tenancy allocation process which is there to ensure that tenants are able to live in the right type of home with the right type of people!

The allocation process involves the prospective tenant and their relatives and current care provider, the local authority as commissioner of the service, the landlord and the Trust as the care provider.

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Andy’s Story

Every parent wants their child to be happy and healthy. For Kevin and Shirley, taking care of their son Andy, 45, who has learning difficulties and autism, was an increasing worry as they grew older.

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Get in touch!

Ring us on 01260 252500 Email us at

Our Core Values

Warm The Trust is a homely environment where everyone feels welcome and well supported. Respectful We respect and appreciate others for their individual beliefs, passions, goals and choices, whilst embracing person centred care. Inclusive The Trust provides an inclusive environment where people of all backgrounds can come together and feel valued.

The Rossendale Trust Ltd,
Rossendale Hall, Hollin Lane,
SK11 0HR

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